- Sculptural grid on the wall, where objects are positioned relating to where the eyes look during memory recall. "Nothing is Invisible Forever"
- 12-channel audio piece (speakers in a circle) with 12 distinct enmeshed tones that cross fade with time.
- Gold orb glasses for deep listening
- "Life After Bodies"
- "Home is a four-letter word"* audio from four places in manhattan, creating a square, played through eight speakers in space. 6min52.5sec per spot (length of each side of the square is 1.7 miles for 6.8 for all sides, thus each point gets the equivalent amount of time, 6:52.5
- Began 1 (23rd & 11th) at ~7:02PM, facing uptown
2 23rd & 1st Av at 7:28 I think, facing uptown
3 at 57th and 1st Ave at 7:57ish facing downtown.
4 at 8:32ish
- Began 1 (23rd & 11th) at ~7:02PM, facing uptown
- Sound profiles that model the shapes of the world's government rooms (congress, Brazil's chamber of deputies, etc)
- Heart in the head: 3D printed sculptures to stop motion of heart energy into head energy
- sound performance, leaning forward (feet strapped to floor) with string extending from my body with balls on the end, attempting to hit tuning forks. performed until i can’t hold myself up anymore.
- Impossible Reality. A reality “show” using AI to generate fake realities, with cheesy music.
- ‘fits and starts’
a supercut of the beginning of every press secretary briefing during donald trump’s presidency (camera could alternate starting points per cut, as in starting sooner or later as secretary is walking out, but always cutting before the first words are spoken) - Hook self up to midi sprout and pen plotter (length of time for the drawing, the algorithm has to figure something out), then blow up the plots and screen them to big panels or print to vinyl and adhere to big panels. The plot’s design has to be related to something important. Print on window shades or scrolls of some kind so they’re portable too.
- VR orb that travels in a circle around you, while trails mark the history of the path. Partner with Dhrupad Organization?
- Partner with a hotel (like Ace) to create a dream box (maybe co-partner with Apple?). Like an artsier version of the Buddha machine(?). And/Or maybe calling a number from your room gives you a special audio work. Some kind of affirmation. A simple note, “can’t sleep? dial 9” or design an icon onto the phone placard. Or maybe there’s one number where you leave your message and another where you listen to everybody’s message. Or a code and response message spoken by front desk (like the spies used to do)!
- Power can be shared without being lost. Not an idea, but a thought.
- Prayer Wheel that is my height that has collaged iron transfers of all the publications from the month I was born. Spins on its own maybe?
- Put different things that emit electromagnetic waves on a rotating Lazy Susan and have the electrosluch pick up the sounds. Maybe the two mics are positioned in relation
- A 3D globe with different areas of raised patterns, four player heads “play” different parts based off various x/y rotation of the globe. Or maybe the same with cassette tape on an angle
- Gold object with peg extending out; it’s a resonator. Came to me in dream state not sure what it is or exactly what shape. Peg is round-ish. (Gold or something like brass on same)
*This one I actually did.