
 Installation view. Left to Right:

Essence of Man 
Spray bottle, clary sage, laurel leaf, violet, white pine essential oils, Blessed Thistle,
I Am Encoding, Lovejoy, Miconia Lundelliana, Peridot, Sunflower, True Spirit Flower Essences. 
Created by Flower Essence Practitioner Rhoni Groff based on my social media profiles. 
edition of 3 + 1 Tester

I downloaded some new apps today
Inkjet engineer’s print
limited edition of 3 + 1 AP
4’ x 3’

YOU/ME (I wonder if you can hear what I’m hearing)
Single-channel video installation with four-channel audio 
6:58, continuous loop

ME/ME was a two-person show with Kristin McIver at CHASM Gallery in Bushwick, Brooklyn, NY, curated by Jessica C Holburn