May: Winkleman, #140hBerlin, & More...

So, May is going to be a busy, busy, Beuysy-busy month. It’s overwhelming even to me (which is saying a lot), so to keep my shameless self-promotion yapping succinct, the following is a rundown of the month, in chronological order:

Idée Fixe : May 6th - June 11th
I’m thrilled to announce that three of my drawings will be included with some amazing artists in a group show at Winkleman Gallery opening May 6th. The show contains black and white work of a very labor-intensive nature. Two of the other artists in the show (Astrid Bowlby and Jacob El Hanani) I’ve known about for some time, and admire their work. The other artists are similarly top-notch. It’s going to be a great show at a gallery I have the upmost respect for. Info and images here.

#140hBerlin : May 12th - 17th
Some of you are familiar with this project already, as I created a Kickstarter campaign to help fund it. Thank you to those who contributed! If you’re hearing about it for the first time, I’m going to Berlin to create a performance as homage to the artist Joseph Beuys. In 1974 Beuys came to America, was taken to a gallery in an ambulance covered in felt, and spent three days with a coyote. Well, in my version I’m spending almost 6 days (140 hours), will be covered in an American flag, taken to the performance space in a stretch-limo Hummer and will spend time with an “American Bald Eagle.” The Eagle may be real or something else entirely. ;) Stay tuned and info here.

SP Weather Station Launch Party : May 15th
Fellow Flux Factory artist-in-residence Angela Washko and I recently collaborated on a project for the SP Weather Station. It was fun and dirty and sloppy and yes. Our edition of 30 “brainstorming” hand-marker-colored prints will be included in a portfolio with eleven other artists (each representing a month’s worth of weather data taken from the Flux Factory building in Long Island City). Even though I’ll be in Berlin, the launch party is at Flux Factory. Info here.

Random Number Multiples Launch Party : May 22nd
I recently created a screenprint for independent curator and the all-around awesome Christina Vassallo. I don’t want to say too much about it yet, but I will say that the print references some of my previous 24-hour performances. I’m quite happy with how they turned out. Sneak peek here.

Secret Project : End of May
Lastly, I can’t announce this one yet, but it’s gonna be big. The project has been in development since September of last year and it’s ready to rock. Look for details around the middle of May. ;)

Ok! Whew.

Thank you for your support over the years. In various ways, none of the above would be possible without your presence, however big or small. It is greatly appreciated.

Happy Spring!
