More to the point @rcembalest, based off the perspective and angle, David needs better aim. He looks sure to miss far right considering there doesn’t seem to be much of a breeze… ;)
Don’t you know that you’re toxic:A new series of ads for Greenpeace pits a modern-day David against a Goliath spawned from pollutants.Despite the victory of the underdog in the biblical story (and, according to Malcolm Gladwell, in contemporary society) commenters who praised the vivid drawings of Anatolij Pickmann pronounced themselves bummed by the apparent unevenness of the matchup he conjured. “Is Greenpeace telling us that we should carry on fighting against big industry and its casual disregard for the planet?” queried Creative Bloq. “Or that we’ve already lost?” Or, as copyranter put it: “You want me to ‘become David” against those giant fucking environment killing machines?”Advertising Agency: Draftfcb/Lowe Group, Switzerland
Creative Director: Dennis Lück
Copywriters: Tizian Walti, Maximilian Kortmann
Art Directors: Christoff Strukamp, Cinthia Stettler, Denise Frech, Cristian Neuenschwander
Illustration: Anatolij Pickmann for Illunet GmbH