So I’m making prints from four of my tweets from #EmojiArtHistory! W00t!
» John Baldessari, Chris Burden, Joseph Beuys and Cai Guo-Qian* «
They’re 7”x5” each and stupid affordable - $20 each (plus shipping). Heads up they might take up to two weeks to ship, so please be patient!
It’s kind of hard to see (on purpose) but the emoji-fied artist’s name is on the bottom of each print in sexy Arial italic. Hey now!
I’ve also got some other available works on my site for sale.
If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll probably know that 1) I am a full time artist 2) Every once in a while I come to you with a plea, er, opportunity to buy my work with relative ease. This is one such time. Hence the name of the “sale…”
But regardless of sales (which naturally fluctuate), I always have a blast doing what I do, and I thank you for all the support you’ve shown over the years. It keeps me going during the leanest of lean times. And, uhm, right now is definitely one of those times in a major way, hence the sale. Ok, now back to the regularly scheduled shenanigans! Thanks again for your eyeballs!
*Sorry it’s such a bro-fest! :/