So the blog Art F City asked me to contribute an “experience” for their fundraiser/roast, so I decided to create a new performance. It’s my first 24-hour work since 2011’s Creative Time commission, #24hPort. I’m excited about it and pretty terrified, to be honest. I’m rusty and the potential for failure is high, in multiple respects. All good signs. I’m also in some amazing company in the auction (HELLO Marilyn Minter, Doug + Mike Starn, Michelle Grabner, Jennifer Dalton, Carla Gannis, Petra Cortright, John Powers, Michelle Vaughan & Lisa Levy!). So yeah, it should be fun/crazy/etc. And it also marks the start of some more performances/interventions (more on that in the coming weeks/months). For now, details on #24h15m below, more info about the roast is here, and you can bid on the performance here. Oh, and THANK YOU! Thank you for following this blog, my work, for being a part of this. I am eternally grateful for your support, and I’ll do my best to put on a good show for you. :)
A not-so-subtle nod to Warhol’s notion of “15 minutes of fame,” #24h15m will give one lucky person the chance to have a version of his or her story broadcast to a large audience for an entire 24 hours, over the internet.
To facilitate this, the winning bidder will meet with the artist, during which time a series of prepared questions about the buyer’s life and experiences will be asked.
The responses will inspire an earnest, charming, fantastical and occasionally irreverent 24-hour durational performance, which will be livestreamed from the artist’s desktop to an online audience. Additionally, all of the artist’s social channels will be taken over by the story as it unfolds, and the online audience will be encouraged to contribute.
The winning bidder will also receive documentation of the performance on the biggest flash drive Man can find.