How did you get here?
Well, divine providence actually. What you would call synchronicity. You have one square mile here and that’s 640 acres. And you don’t paint the Sistine Chapel in nature unless you have the capabilities. It’s been a major work and I’ve been lucky enough to be a part of it.What do you want to create?
First of all, united mankind, united consciousness. Finally realizing that this planet, our mother earth, the mother giver, is the sole provider of all of mankind. And she’s being badly abused. If we expect to graduate to a higher level of consciousness and living, we need to take care of the mother surface.Are we there yet?
In my mind, it’s already done. This is a predestined reality that has already taken place. It’s like the 100 monkey syndrome. It only takes one monkey to enlighten the reality of all the other monkeys.What is connection?
We’re in a sea of energy here. Everything you see here is a manifestation of God. From the smallest grain of sand to the largest planets that we’ve been able to find with Hubble, everything is connected because it’s all pure energy. The words I’m speaking right now are affecting all the universes, not just the milky way that we’re in.What controls you?
That’s a pretty good question. I’ll think about that a second. Actually I’m a divine spirit having an earthy incarnation. I’m totally aware of what’s happening. I’m hip. I’m probably the most hip guy you ever met in your whole life.What do you control?
Miracles. I’m not swimming in the shallow water. I’m in the deep water. And personally, I’ve already changed the whole world. The goats will have a rude awakening when they wake up in another dimension.
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