Untitled (in progress)
by Stephanie Serpick
(photo courtesy the artist)
I visited Stephanie’s studio in Gowanus a few weeks back and liked what she is up to. These motor machine things that have been spliced for the purpose of the paint. They remind me of a time that I don’t even remember. That part of me is not sure existed. But they’re also fresh. I couldn’t stop looking at them, actually.
Serpick recently moved here from Chicago. You can see her work here. Some of what’s up there is a little too midwestern-y for my taste, but I’m liking the new direction she’s taking.
This is the first post in what I hope is a MUCH more regular thing: Studio visits with artists! And then blogging them on Fridays! If you’re an artist in New York and want to me to stop by, let me know. It’s a great way to see what’s going on. And they’re fun!
Source: http://www.sserpick.com/